Introduction: An acute stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate attention to improve the patient's prognosis. We need to adequately identify the clinical manifestations, reduce care and management times, and lessen the associated disabilities.
Materials and methods: An observational, retrospective study using data from a hospital in Colombia from the RES-Q registry and the Angels initiative for the years 2021 and 2022.
Results: We registered 287 cases, with an average age of 67.85 years. The gender distribution was 51,92 % male and 48,08 % female. The predominant risk factors. The prevalence of arterial hypertension is 58,88 %, followed by diabetes at 57,49 %, hyperlipidemia at 5,22 %, and smoking at 3,48 %. Of these, 83.48 % have an ischemic origin, while 16.52% are hemorrhagic. The average time from the onset of symptoms to arrival at the service is 304.95 minutes, while the time from door-to-image is 53.02 minutes, and the time from door-to-needle is 66.50 minutes. We performed thrombolysis on 20.70 % of the ischemic events. We admitted 69.30 % of ischemic patients outside the window period, and 10 % did not meet the other criteria. 8.25 % of patients died.
Discussion: Advances in the treatment of stroke, where time is of the essence, continue to be in force, as time continues to be a determining variable in the outcome. Recent analyses have determined that door-to-needle time should be less than 30 minutes. The NIHSS scale helps to guide the diagnosis and decide on management.
Conclusions: It's clear that the care times fall short of the objectives; however, the goal is to enhance the actions and modify the process to shorten the duration of care, tailor the management according to the type of stroke, and avert future disabilities and sequelae that lower patients' quality of life.
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